Linda James

Other People

COCA Christchurch November 16 - December 11th 2004

'Other People' is a series of half length life size portraits. Utilising representations from the media and historical paintings, these 'real people' travel through the subjective realities of the media and creative representation to arrive in a painting looking out at the audience from the gallery walls. They are 'other' to the artist, 'other' to the viewer, and 'other' to each other. Simultaneously however, their depiction imbricates them with other people.

I draw on images that I have appropriated from the media. I am interested in the snapshot realities they represent. I develop sketches as working structural drawings from the original photographic images. I enlarge them using a grid onto canvases (painted in oil).

I use the populist and temporary nature of the photographic images to explore their dense problematic subject matter. I am interested in looking at the world and ourselves from a more complex standpoint than the often used traditional binary 'us and them' portrayal of difference, My intention with my work is to generate interest in the world and our place in it, and explore how the machinery of power and difference relates to the lives of individual people.


oil on canvas - 605mm x 1010mm


oil on canvas - 605mm x 1010mm


oil on canvas - 605mm x 1010mm


Man with a cigarette
oil on canvas - 605mm x 1010mm


Man in the street
oil on canvas - 605mm x 1010mm


oil on canvas - 605mm x 1010mm


Mary Magdalen Piero della Francesca
oil on canvas - 605mm x 1010mm


oil on canvas - 605mm x 1010mm


oil on canvas - 605mm x 1010mm


US Soldier Afganistan 2002oil on canvas - 605mm x 1010mm